Prayer for the Renewal of Catholic Sacred Music


O God our Father, who through the Holy Spirit has inspired the Church's great traditions of sacred music, we ask you to send again in our days an outpouring of Your Spirit on all priests, church musicians, composers, and music educators.

May they thus be filled with the fervent love of God and all those whom they serve, with a special concern for those in greatest need. May this love impel them to be good stewards of the Sacred Liturgy and its music, so as to humbly reveal the glory of God and draw all people of good will to conversion and communion with God in Christ.

May they ever deepen their understanding and appreciation of our sacred music heritage, and so foster its continued vitality and growth. And may composers, deeply rooted in this heritage, bring forth new inspired works which resonate with holiness and beauty in the hearts and minds of all those who hear and sing them.

May all church musicians be prayerfully diligent in the development of their knowledge and skills in the art of sacred music. In so doing may their music be, as it were, a worthy sacred icon which points away from itself to the glory of God, for the sanctification and edification of all.

And wherever the need might exist, may our liturgical music be cleansed of all elements that are not in harmony with the dignity of the Mass, and its grace-filled, reverent, faithful, and loving celebration.

In communion with the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the angels and saints, we ask these things through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

© 2021 Magnificat Institute of Sacred Music

Imprimatur: The Most Reverend Robert J. McManus

Bishop of Worcester, Massachusetts

2 August 2021